Artificial Intelligence

AI’s Dark Side: Is artificial intelligence good or bad?

I have written a lot about the pros of AI, it has become very important to discuss the cons. In this series we will discuss how AI can be destructive for us? What is the way to avoid it?

Necessity is the key to innovation.
But what is the need to make artificial intelligence with the capacity of thousands of human brains!

Human made artificial intelligence for the for human to help human in many ways. But on the other artificial intelligence becoming dangerous for human’s. Every human creation has two side one is good and the other is bad. Now let’s see how artificial intelligence is harmful to us:

Are we destroying the liveability of our society while making life easier? Already we have largely provided personal security and privacy to technology.


AI’s Dark Side

  1. Recently a bot became viral all over the world for making nu*e off girls. It has become easier to blackmail someone. All you have to do just upload a photo of a girls and wait. In 5 sec your picture is ready. Then use it to blackmail that girl and earn money or do what ever you want!!!
  2. Copying voice!!! By artificial intelligence someone can copy your voice so easily. And it’s pinpoint accurate. Elon Musk trading video. That video was fake (Reference). And fully created by artificial intelligence. Let’s give one more example. Suppose you mom got a voice message from an unknown number. Saying “Mom send me 100 euro on this number i am in danger and i lost my phone”. The massage was in your voice but you never sent this messages saying this. All of this was created by artificial intelligence. Your mom will get stress and she will send the money to that unknown person without thinking twice.
  3. Artificial intelligence can make a whole video using some of your pictures. And any kind of video. If you see yourself in a video where you were not present .. Will you be surprised?
  4. It may take a hacker minutes to hours to hack a system. but using artificial intelligence people can hack more complex systems in seconds! Are you really secured in this era? What about out personal data?
  5. Artificial intelligence and automation technologies have the potential to replace certain types of jobs, particularly those that involve repetitive or routine tasks. This can lead to job displacement and unemployment in some industries.

How to stay safe

  • Keep track of how AI works. It’s important to be aware of how AI works and how it is harmful to us
  • Keep an eye on what you are sharing in the internet.
  • Change your privacy settings on your devices and online accounts so that this can be controlled. and don’t give any extra permission to any app or in online.
  • Scammers may use artificial intelligence in phishing attacks by pretending to represent trusted organizations. Beware on unsolicited messages and requesting for personal details.
  • Realistic fake images, videos or text are generated through artificial intelligence. So be careful.
  • Don’t blindly trust artificial intelligence recommendations
  • Verify AI-generated content


Ai is able to answer exactly like you. Able to copy you. Even if you are not alive, we will be able to come in front of someone, talk, touch with the combination of virtual reality with artificial intelligence! Does it sound impossible? But it has became already possible!!!

Read More:

  1. AI Background Remover Tools Comparison: 2 Powerful Background Remover
  2. Graphic design: 10+ powerful key component to became a professional
  3. Amazon Launches Prime Gaming: Exclusive Benefits for Amazon Prime Members
  4. How to Block Mind-Reading Technology: Ultimate Strategies and Tips

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